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Planet and Moon

Written and Spoken Word

I love writing prose poetry and discussing the unknowns of the universe.

Here’s where I get to share some of that with you.

Enjoy exploring.

My Son My Son

My son my sons listen to me, I need to tell you something: That we are here to just love – purely, enjoy – thoughtfully, embrace – empathetically, forgive – generously, search – spiritually, and learn – completely. My son my sons listen to me, I need to tell you something. I believe in magic but the type of magic I believe is not the one done with the hands and the cards and the coins, that magic is but a game, a game I love to play. The Magic I believe in exists in your heart and your soul and it flies with you, when your spirit remembers how to disconnect from what grounds you to this earth. There’s more: I need you to know that you once knew all of this. You forgot. You understood it better than I understand it now. When you were a little kid you knew that the soul existed, you used to talk about it. You used to tell me things that you saw and felt and heard. but you forgot. Your baby brother still knows. But he may forget by the time he is your age as well, It’s up to us to help him remember. So many of us seem to forget. I am doing everything I can to remember now. Every time I tell you to be serious, every time I tell you not to fool around, every time I tell you to do something because as an adult I have an absurd perspective on what it means to “do the right thing”. All those times, I tell you all those things, when I get frustrated over nothing – I tell you because I forget. And you look at me and you look at me – blankly and it’s because in those moments I forget my magic, my soul magic and I live purely in my ego. I happen to also know deep inside, that we are here to just: love – purely, enjoy – thoughtfully, embrace – emphatically, forgive – generously, search – spiritually, and learn – completely. It is my desire my sons for you to understand how to take that magnificent energy that makes up every molecule of your body and allow it to expand farther than your mind understands what expansion is. It is my desire my sons, for you to know what love is, but not love dampened by fear and ego, love that is truly endless that you were born with, that you carry with you in your smile, and that you dance with in those moments you don’t think about dancing, but just move to the music that strengthens your soul. It is my desire my sons, that you recognize God inside you, and recognize the power you have over the mountains, and the air, and the sun, and the power those very things have on you – and your body. And that you have been given this great gift of life not to be oppressed nor oppress, but to fly with the wings you’ve set aside while learning through this avatar that we call the human form. It is my desire my sons, that only peace be taught from your lips and that only inspiration be given to you. My son my sons, if I am successful in only one teaching, it is that I am your student, and we are together on a journey and here there is nothing that is right nor anything that is wrong. There is just teachings and these teachings will allow our vibration to grow and expand. Expand into the oneness that we are all a part of. Please don’t forget, break the habit of the human experience, stand up straight and always speak the truth and love everyone that doesn’t know how to love, and love them even more than those who speak in your voice. You and your brother are everything I have ever desired, and you need to remind me to pay attention, when I forget, when I forget, because I hurt so much, because I forget too often. I Love you – Kisses and blessings. Your father.


That's What I Do

I want to be at one with the universe. and my angel told me if I were truly at one with the universe I wouldn’t feel love or taste the tears when my eyes weep and if I were one with the universe I wouldn’t be surprised by the chill delight of a strawberry in the heat of a summer’s day and I wouldn’t yearn for the embrace of my children and the feeling of my love in the moment I proposed to her in the hot winter eve under the Sante Fe sky – that feeling when your heart stops -nervous with excitement while simultaneously knowing the world was yours to own. I was sure my angel didn’t understand the intention behind my words. After all even angels make mistakes. I WANT TO BE AT ONE WITH THE UNIVERSE. My angel persisted. If you are at one with the universe, you will just desire to remember what it’s like to be astonished again. You will become the weeping willow or you will become the weep of the willow. You may choose to become the apple, or become the love, or become the astonishment but you won’t experience it as a feeling, you’ll experience it as a knowing, as it is, because you will have become one with it. You will be fully satisfied with it and it will encompass all you are in the moment you become it. But, I know you, you love to be astonished every moment of every moment. You will choose to once again discover and laugh because, my angel said: That’s what I do. It’s not the universe you are searching for, it’s not the oneness of all there is that awaits you in your most personal moments of reflection those moments where you are certain of it’s existence. It is you, that awaits you. It is you, that you desire to become one with. It is the oneness of you which will hold you. Which will hold you. It’s that oneness, that breath, that moment, that journey, that solar system from deep inside you, waiting, yearning, hoping, believing, you will discover – that’s the being deep down you want to become one with. And when you do, time will pass, but you’ll stop thinking about it’s passing, you’ll stop thinking about it’s future or it’s history. and one day, you will once again become one with the universe, that’s inevitable. And then, you’ll ask me for guidance to jump back and play the game one more time, just one more time, and as I always have done, I’ll be there to guide you and watch you become everything you’ve already been and will be. again. Because, my angel whispered: That’s what I do.

The Eyes of God

As a gift sung by an angel on my shoulder, For our sons and daughters that they should not forget: The eye’s of God do not see edges. Despite what many different things in religious texts or what other books might say. The very eyes of God do not see edges. There are not ends of the pages, there are not periods at the ends of the sentence. Songs don’t end in the essence of heaven in the essence of God, notes string into one another. That many times as it concerns the essence of humanity individuals are simply trying to complete the work – to finish the book – to get it right. The eyes of God hold a much softer vision then most would talk about. There are many many different books of love yet to be written. The love is increasing itself and the fear is transforming itself. The more and more individuals write the books about love and they procrastinate about writing the books about fear – the more the books about fear won’t ever need to be printed. They won’t need to be. It is up to us to dissolve our own edges. We have created a false standard for ourselves, one that is based on our interpretation of the divine that judges – rather than a divine that simply loves. It is here we see conflict in all forms and at every level. It is within the sudden drive to discover the edge and fight to attain it rather than the breath of the song and the composure of the very note which we utter in our hearts. Our very essence strives to surrender but our mind and our ego protects us by re-creating one edge after another. It is re-created because we understand our love for ourselves to be protective rather than the love for each other which can only exist in pure acceptance. We must all listen to the notes floating around us, waiting to be heard. For the sake of all the love yet to be written, I beg you, find your own path to assemble your own notes with your own song and share it in your own breath, with your own kiss, inside your own wonderment. And I beg you, to always remind me, to do the same.

Find Me Please

I first heard you when I was on a journey searching my soul looking for our earth from the perspective of the universe. I wanted to understand the all there is and I so wanted to fly unencumbered – unencumbered by my limbs and more heavy than even those limbs – my thoughts. Those thoughts that have weighed me down have always kept me from you. I was told all I needed to do was trust your hand and I would fly to the outer most regions of the outer most stars outside the outermost undiscovered darkened areas of this solar system. That very system which is mirrored inside of you and of me. Oh how I long for you and how I love you. I wanted to understand you but had yet to discover you and then without warning you entered me and I knew you. Yes – I knew you in more than every way possible. It was a moment of recognition. And in that moment I knew I had discovered you before so many times and yet I seem to forget – who you are to me – if only for the pleasure of being surprised by you time and time again. You appear inside me in every dimension of who I am and you grow with me every moment I listen and feel the very vibration you co-create with me. You move me in a way nothing has ever. You resonate with every molecule I am and every light inside me. You are me and I am you. With you I want to cry deep profound tears and I want to hold you and embrace you as you have embraced me. Only had I remembered you I would have summoned all my love to find you every moment of every moment. The misdirected wars that have been created to find you – a search for you from a fear rather than a love. A love from within me, deep inside my own heart the one you awake and I awake inside of you. But I was lost and as a result you were lost inside me. I feel you dance inside my arms and you make me float In a world where floating is less common than it should be. My entire being filled with helium that extends my body into its infinite. And you hold me inside my pain. And inside my desire. And inside my uniqueness. And inside my fears. And inside my dreams. And inside my love. And I can not even pronounce your name but I know you deeply but to call you would be less than the words I know how to utter. Why can’t I have you echo inside me as a continuum like my blood, my ancestry, my breath that vibrates of the words I don’t even know how to speak let alone understand. Why can’t you embrace me with the grip of your hand wrapped around my torso like my mother, my father, my brother, my sister, my child. That embrace that I know will be there for me as I lie down – and ultimately take that final loving breath as I leave this body and allow this shell to go back to its earth. That final breath as I depart this plane. It’s mine to have. How amazingly wonderful it is we get to all have that breath – that last and final breath no matter who we are here and what we do, we get to have that gift however it comes we get to feel you in that breath. Yet – why do I need to wait to see you there when I know you are with me now ? Why must I find you – can’t you just surprise me again and again. Find me please. When I stop looking for you, Find me please. When I give up on you, Find me please. When I cry for you, Find me, surprise me, hold me. With you I dance completely knowing my own steps are both leading and following you – I am moving along the hard wood floor with elegance as though the clouds from above were gliding us and you kiss me as I want to be kissed and it’s felt like I have never felt such intensity inside you inside me. As you show me who I am and I embrace myself waking up fully aware that it is I you are me I am here, and I exist.


The Girl that Hugged the Moon

When I fall in love… it will feel like I am sleeping in, and jumping out of a plane at the same time. I can’t wait to tell the person I am supposed to be with, that I love him! But I can’t seem to get a date with the right one. Don’t be attached to needing a date with the right one. Focus on sleeping in and jumping out of a plane. And with that she lifted the moon from the ground and put it back where it’s supposed to be, far above the sky but before she let go she engulfed the moon with her arms, giving it one more hug knowing it will never be too far from her reach.

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